Lucille Mulhall

After being born in St. Louis, Missouri in 1885, the Mulhall’s moved to Oklahoma when Lucille was four. By age 10, she
was an expert at riding, throwing a rope, and branding calves. Her father produced a Wild West Show when Lucille was 13 that included Will Rogers and Tom Mix. After 1900, she and her brother, Charley, were featured performers for 15 years. Audiences around the world ravedabout the beautiful girl who could out trope and out ride the men! Lucille defined “cowgirl”
She appeared in a Wild West Show in Oklahoma City as a roper and rider when she was 16. Theodore Roosevelt attended since it was the first annual Rough Rider’s reunion. She won a bet with him that she couldn’t rope a wolf. A few hours later, she returned dragging a wolf behind her.
She was killed in a car accident in 1940.