Bruce Greene

Bruce Greene, Artist, 1953 – One of the most highly respected artists in the Western art world is Bruce Greene. He is a member of the renowned Cowboy Artists of America and has served twice as President. His art hangs in prestigious homes, offices and museums where Western Art is a part of their presentation. Bruce’s art reflects the life he loves, that of a cowboy. He uses the experience he has gathered by cowboying on the historic JA Ranch at the Palo Duro Canyon, for artistic inspiration.
Perhaps Don Hedgpeth said it best, ” Bruce has seen the sun come up between his horse’s ears on the backside of Palo Duro pasture, and it is his privileged perspective that enables him to show us, through his art, the authentic essence of the contemporary cowboy. There will come a time when the cowboys of today will look at Bruce Greene’s art and smile at the memory of the way their world once was.”