Barry Corbin

Barry Corbin – Actor & Humanitarian: Corbin began his career as a Shakespearean actor in the 1960s, but today he is more likely to be seen in the role of the local sheriff. To moviegoers, he is well remembered as John Travolta’s uncle Bob Davis in Urban Cowboy or Roscoe Brown, July Johnson’s bumbling deputy in the acclaimed western Lonesome Dove. Others remember him as former astronaut and local business leader Maurice Minnifield on CBS’s Northern Exposure, for which he received an Emmy Award nomination.
He has portrayed many characters, from authority figures to murderous villains. Whatever his role is, he is always most comfortable in a western and horseback.
Barry is quoted as saying, “I originally wanted to be the hero, but then, by the time I turned 10, something changed, and I can’t really explain it. I watched those “B” movie Westerns and realized that Fuzzy Jones, Smiley Burnett and Gabby Hayes had more fun than the heroes. I wanted to be them. I wanted to be Walter Brennan and Ben Johnson. Those guys were my heroes.”
In 1992, Barry Corbin was honored with the Western Heritage Wrangler Award at the National Cowboy Hall Of Fame in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, for his role of Charlie McCloud in Louis L’Amour’s “Conagher.”
Barry’s daughter Shannon said: “I think this means more to him than an Oscar would.”
Barry Corbin has received numerous accolades throughout his prolific career. Aside from the obvious ones for his acting talent, Corbin has also been honored for his humanitarian deeds and his efforts on behalf of the Western Lifestyle.
Much of his spare time is spent riding horses and tending to cattle on his small Texas ranch near Fort Worth. He has volunteered his time to charity for many years, including rodeos, equine events and the North Fort Worth Historical Society and Stockyards Museum.